INTAN Management Journal Vol.15, No.1, 2019
INTAN Management Journal Vol.15, No.1, 2019 offers a platform for civil
servants to share their thoughts and findings on current issues and way
forward to resolve the issues. In this volume, INTAN highlights eight articles
examining various issues including ICT security acculturation, non-traditional
threat and collaborative governance which will redefine the public service
delivery system and thus, creating a need to reinvent public policies in
- Penghayatan Akidah dan Hubungannya dengan Nilai Integriti dalam Kalangan Penjawat Awam
- Pembudayaan Keselamatan ICT: Ke Arah Pencegahan Jenayah Siber di Sektor Awam
- Evolusi Konsep Keselamatan Melalui Landskap Keselamatan Bukan Tradisional
- Measuring the Effect of Career Growth on Talent Retention: The Case of Malaysian Public Sector
- Improving Public Sector Collaboration Outcome with Collaborative Governance
- Halal Implementation: Situations Faced by Restaurant Operators in Selangor
- Self-Employment Intention among University Students because of Entrepreneurship Education
- The Concept of Entrepreneurial Marketing Practices: A Literature Review